Visit us in Bath Maine

The Jane Stevens Visitor Center is located in the Bath Freight Shed and Virginia's wharf is on the Kennebec River behind the freight shed.

27 Commerical St
Bath Maine

The Visitor Center is open when the flag of St George is flying
Winner of Best Attraction 2023 in Best of the 207

Jane Stevens Visitor Center Hours

Summer: Memorial Day weekend to Indigenous Peoples Day
Wednesday to Sunday 10am-3pm
Spring, Fall:
Wednesday and Saturday: 10am-3pm

The Visitor Center is also open on Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Indigenous Peoples Day.

In June-September we will be hosting tours and sailing when the Visitor Center is open. On Wednesdays and Sundays we will have History and Deck tours (see and touch Virginia but not on her). On Thurday, Friday, and Saturday we will have Sailing and Deck tours starting in July. The online reservation for tours will be available June 1.

Tour details and reservations

Work on Virginia continuues in the water as we conduct sea trials working toward Coast Guard certification. The ship, wharf, and ramp like any waterfront area can be dangerous. Please take proper safety precautions when visiting the site. If you are visiting with small children, be sure to watch them carefully.

The Bath Farmers Market is held inside the Bath Freight Shed on Saturdays from November thru mid-April with limited Visitor Center displays. From December thru April Virginia is in Winter storage at the Wiscasset Town Dock. During this time the vistitor center will only be open on Saturdays from 9 to noon. To arrange a tour on other days, call the MFS office at 207-443-4242.

If you can't join us in Bath, join us online here on