Virginia is coming home!
Spring has come and Virginia is coming home. The homecoming has been delayed by a winter storm which took out one of the dock supports at the Bath Freight Shed. We are making progress on fixing the dock, but until that work is done, Virginia will be spending a couple of weeks at the neighbor’s dock, the Maine Maritime Museum. This is the first in a set of scheduled visits this spring and summer.
Virginia departed the Wiscasset Town Dock in the early morning light on May 19 and headed for Bath and docked at the the Maine Maritime Museum. There she joins with the Maine Maritime Museum fleet for a Comminity Day on May 20, and stay there the projected two weeks until her dock is repaired. Everyone is welcome to join us and our friends at MMM, admission is free for Community Day.
Check on Maine’s First Ship Facebook page for any schedule changes and for updates along the way.
Virginia's launch anniversary
We plan for Virginia to be back to the Bath Freight Shed in early June. The one year anniversary of the lauch is a time for celebration. More details will be available when we know the dock is ready.
Virginia is planning trips to Boothbay Harbor for Windjamer Days on June 27-29, but will be back in Bath for Heritage Days.
Vriginia will be travelling to Colonial Pemaquid on July 14-16. She will be joined by the shallop Jane Stevens on our second annual Great Row from Bath the Pemaquid.