Virginia's First Voyage

December 12, 2022

Virginia at Doubling Point

Join us on Monday December 12 as Virginia takes her first real voyage. Virginia is wintering in Wiscasset to avoid the ice flows on the Kennebec River but will return to Bath in the spring. 

The voyage starts at the Bath Freight Shed about 7:45am with the scheduled opening of the Carlton Bridge at 8:00am. We expect to arrive in Wiscasset about 12:45pm assuming a speed of 6 knots plus whatever current we have on the two rivers. The trip takes Virginia all the way to the mouth of the Kennebec past the site of the Popham Colony, around the south end of Georgetown, and up the Sheepscot River to the Wiscasset Town Dock.

Virginia’s crew was Captain Dana Leonard, Engineer Bruce Suppes, Bos’n Jeremy Blaiklock, and Shipwright Rob Stevens. Mike Foster and Jim Parmentier accompanied Virginia in a small boat.

It snowed an inch the night before, and it was cold with a 10-16 mph north wind making is cold on deck and for people viewing Virginia along the way. Virginia faced good sized waves in the Gulf of Maine portion of the trip (around the southern end of Georgetown). Despite this. Virginia made it to Wiscasset and fired her cannon to signal her arrival before docking at her winter home.

We will be continuing to do construction on Virginia while in Wiscasset.

Virginia's snowy deck with gun
Virginia passing a lighthouse
Virginia near the end of the Kennebec
Virginia in the Gulf of Maine
Virginia in the shadows
Virginia docked in Wiscasset