Become a Business Partner
You can become a business partner of Maine’s First Ship by donating money, goods, services, or discounts.
- Popham Circle $5000 or more
- 1893 Society $2500 or more
- Investor $1000 or more
- Contributor $500 or more
- Supporters $300 or more
- Friends $50 or more
Business partners at Contributor level and above will be listed on our business support page, mentioned in our publications and media when appropriate, and receive regular updates and invitations from our Executive Director.
Contributors will also be listed with a logo on the business partner page
Investors will also be listed with a logo on the business partner page and discount rates for freight shed rentals.
1893 Society partners will be invited to special events at dockside or underway, and a burgee on display in the freight shed and social media tags for events.
Popham Circle partners are eligible to host an event at the dock (coming soon), and receive a framed photo recognizing investment in MFS.
To donate you can use the donate link below or mail a check. For in-kind donations contact .
1893 Society
Supporters and Friends
New Medows Marina
Lisa-Marie's Made in Maine
Now You're Cooking
Bath Subaru
Cahill Tire
Meaddowcroft Farm
Trudeau Yacht Services International
La Nef Chocolate
Kharris B Creative Studio
Town of Arrouwsic