Saturday April 6, 2024 - 3-5pm
Bath Freight Shed
The annual meeting of Maine’s First Ship will be held on Saturday April 6, 2024 from 3-5pm at the Bath Freight Shed.
2023 was a banner year in the history of Maine’s First Ship with our initial Coast Guard certification, public sailings, and several port visits as well as many educational programs. We are looking forward to a new season in 2024 where we hope to get a full Coast Guard certificate and plan on public sailings three days a week. Keep up with the changes at Maine’s First Ship, and elect new officers as we continue in 2024.
You can view the Maine’s First Ship Annual Impact Report for 2023-2024 by clicking on the image.
Anyone can attend the meeting, but only members of Maine’s First Ship can vote. You can become a member at any time by going to Support Us.
Following the Annual Meeting, we will have a social hour from 5-7pm.
Before the meeting, we will be out in the yard cleaning up after the lastest storms to flood the boatyard.