Annual Meeting 2023

Virginia at WIscasset Town Dock

Sunday March 26, 2023 - 3pm

The annual meeting of Maine’s First Ship was  held on Sunday March 26, 2023 from 3-5pm at Sarah’s Cafe in Wiscasset Maine. 

2022 was a banner year in the history of the Maine’s First Ship with the launch and the first voyage of Virginia. It also marks a year of transition from construction to having a ship in the water. These changes will continue in 2023 as we make further progress in making Virginia operational. 

The meeting included thanks to the retiring president, Orman Hines, the election of new officers, reports on the status of the organization, and voting on revised bylaws. 

You can read a copy of Maine’s First Ship Annual Report, or see our new video: “25 Years of History, Ingenuity, and Community” below.

Reports for Annual Meeting 2023

Maine’s First Ship’s Annual Report for 2023 is now available. This report will be discussed at the Annual Meeting. You can read it before the meeting by clicking on the image below.

MFS Annual Report 2023

A significant set of changes to Maine’s First Ship bylaws will be discussed at the Annual Meeting. Select the following links to see the proposed changes.

In 2022, Maine’s First Ship received a Maine Community Foundation Community Bulding Grant to record first person interviews with current and past volunteers to keep a video history of Maine’s First Ship. This a a 10 minute video created from those interviews along with video and images from the launch of Virginia.